Working of a Fuel Cell: A PEM fuel cell consists of several important components: a catalyst layer, a proton exchange membrane, and inputs of hydrogen and oxygen. The process begins when hydrogen and oxygen are supplied to the fuel cell under pressure. The catalyst splits hydrogen molecules into protons and electrons. The protons move across the proton exchange membrane from the anode to the cathode, while the electrons travel through an external load, generating electricity. At the cathode, the electrons recombine with the protons and oxygen to form water (H2O). This entire reaction is what powers the fuel cell, which is why it is referred to as a "fuel cell."
Modeling the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell: To simulate the PEMFC in MATLAB, we use various equations that represent different voltage parameters of the fuel cell. These include:
Nernst Voltage:Â Dependent on the temperature of the fuel cell and pressures of hydrogen and oxygen.
Activation Voltage:Â Affected by the fuel cell current and CO2 pressure.
Ohmic Voltage:Â Influenced by resistance values (R and RC) and fuel cell current.
Concentration Voltage:Â Determined by current density and cell parameters.
The voltage model is crucial to understanding the performance of the fuel cell, as it describes how the fuel cell voltage varies under different conditions.
Equations Used in the Simulation: To simulate the behavior of the PEMFC, the following parameters are incorporated into the equations:
Nernst Equation: Takes into account temperature and pressure conditions for hydrogen and oxygen.
Activation Voltage Equation: Depends on the fuel cell current and CO2 pressure.
Ohmic Voltage Equation: Includes resistance (both membrane and contact resistance) and current density.
Concentration Voltage Equation: Focuses on the cell's current density and other related parameters.
Additional formulas are used to calculate CO2 pressure, contact resistance, and the fuel cell's overall performance characteristics.
Creating the Simulation Model: For the simulation, a typical PEMFC stack is modeled, which consists of 32 cells with a specified area and other parameters like temperature, pressure, and contact resistance. The model operates by varying the current from 0 to 29.8 amps and adjusting the voltage accordingly. The fuel cell's voltage is calculated at each step based on the given equations.
The model also calculates CO2 pressure, activation voltage, and concentration voltage, which all contribute to determining the fuel cell voltage. After executing the equations, the resulting data is used to generate a graph of fuel cell voltage versus current and the fuel cell power versus current.
Plotting the Results: Using the MATLAB code, graphs can be plotted to visualize the relationship between fuel cell voltage and current, as well as fuel cell power and current. The simulation allows the user to see how the voltage and power of the fuel cell vary with changes in current, providing insights into the efficiency and performance of the PEMFC.
Conclusion: Simulating the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell using MATLAB helps in understanding the key principles that govern its performance. The simulation provides a practical approach to modeling the fuel cell's behavior under different conditions, allowing researchers and engineers to optimize the system for various applications. By using these models and equations, it is possible to predict the behavior of the PEMFC and improve its design for efficient energy production.