Understanding Neural Networks for MPPT
A neural network is composed of an input layer, hidden layers, and an output layer, all connected by weights. These weights are crucial for making the network "learn" from the data. The process of training the neural network involves adjusting these weights and biases to improve the network's accuracy in predicting the output.
In the context of MPPT, the neural network is trained using input data such as solar radiation and temperature, and the target data is typically the voltage at the maximum power point (Vmp) of the solar panel.
Training the Neural Network with PSO
Typically, the weights and biases of a neural network are optimized using methods like the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm. However, in this implementation, we use Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to train the neural network. PSO is a computational method inspired by the social behavior of birds flocking or fish schooling, and it is effective in optimizing the network parameters for accurate predictions.
For this simulation, the input data used for training includes solar irradiation and temperature, while the target data is the voltage at the maximum power point (Vmp) of the solar panel.
Collecting Data for Training
To collect the required data for training, we begin by modeling the PV panel using standard equations. This includes the short circuit current, current at the maximum power point, voltage at the maximum power point, and other characteristics of the solar panel. The data is collected across different temperature and radiation conditions to ensure the model is trained thoroughly.
The data collection process is automated through a program that generates random temperature and irradiation values within defined ranges, such as a temperature range of 15°C to 35°C and an irradiation range from 0 W/m² to 1000 W/m².
Configuring and Training the Neural Network
Once the data is collected, the next step is to configure the neural network. This involves setting up the network architecture, selecting the number of neurons in the hidden layers, and initializing the weights and biases. The network is then trained using PSO, which updates the weights and biases iteratively to minimize the error between the predicted and target values.
The objective function used during training calculates the root mean square error (RMSE) between the predicted values from the neural network and the target voltage at the maximum power point.
Performance Evaluation: Changing Load Conditions
After training the neural network, it is essential to evaluate its performance under different real-world conditions. The first condition tested is the variation in load. In the simulation, the load is changed every 3 seconds by switching between three different load conditions. The neural network should be able to adjust and extract the maximum power from the solar panel, despite these load changes.
The PSO-trained neural network successfully extracts maximum power from the PV panel even when the load is switched between different values. The system maintains optimal performance by keeping the voltage and current near the maximum power point.
Performance Evaluation: Changing Irradiation Conditions
Another critical aspect of solar PV systems is the variability of solar irradiation throughout the day. To test how well the trained neural network adapts to changing environmental conditions, the simulation changes the irradiation levels every 2 seconds, from 1000 W/m² to 200 W/m².
The system effectively tracks the maximum power point across a range of irradiation levels. For instance, at 1000 W/m², the system extracts the maximum power of 250 W, and as the irradiation decreases to 200 W/m², the maximum power extracted is around 48.3 W. The neural network adjusts in real-time, ensuring that the solar panel operates efficiently under varying irradiation conditions.
Conclusion: The Effectiveness of PSO-Trained Neural Networks in MPPT
The implementation of a PSO-trained neural network for MPPT in solar PV systems has proven to be effective in tracking the maximum power point under varying load and irradiation conditions. By using PSO, the neural network adapts to the changing environment, ensuring that the solar panel always operates at its maximum efficiency.