Welcome to Sixth International Conference in Communication, Devices and Networking (ICCDN 2022) organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Majhitar, Sikkim during 16-17th December, 2022.
All the accepted and presented paper will be published by Springer LNEE(Scopus) subjected to the final acceptance from the publisher (Confirmed)
International Conference on Communication, Devices and Networking (ICCDN 2022) will be organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Majhitar, Sikkim during 16-17 th December, 2022. The aim of the Conference is to provide a platform for Researchers, Engineers, Academicians and Industry Professionals to present their recent research works and to explore future trends in various areas of Engineering. The conference also bring together both novice and experienced scientists and developers, to explore newer scopes, collect new ideas and establish new cooperation between research groups and exchange ideas, information, techniques and applications in the field of Electronics, Communication, Devices and Networking.
Allied Electronics,
Circuits and Systems,
Digital System Design,
Biomedical Electronics, Embedded systems,
Applications of Nano-technology.
Modelling and simulation of electronic devices, analog and mixed signal circuit design,
Emerging Trends in VLSI,
Nanoelectronics, MEMS,
VLSI Circuits and Systems,
Field-programmable and Reconfigurable Systems,
System Level Design,
Mixed Signal Design and Analysis.
Quantum Cellular Automata technology,
Audio/Speech/Music Signal Processing,
Image/Video signal Processing,
Radar Signal Processing,
Biomedical Signal Processing,
Statistical Signal Processing
Receiver and transmitter components,
Active antennas and phased arrays,
MIMO techniques,
RF MEMS and microsystems,
Microwave and millimetre-wave systems,
Radar, SAR and microwave imaging,
Electronic warfare and other military applications of RF/microwaves, EMI/EMC
Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning,
Deep Learning,
Neural Networks,
Expert Systems,
Computational Intelligence,
Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision ,
Image Understanding,
Pattern Recognition,
Expert Systems,
Medical Diagnosis,
Robotic Automation,
Human-Robot Interaction,
Emotional Intelligence,
Evolutionary Computation,
Neural Computation Web Intelligence Applications Parallel Processing Tools,
Automated Reasoning Hybridization of Intelligent Models/algorithms Intelligent Planning Rule-Based Systems Self-Healing and Autonomous Systems,
Visual/linguistic Perception
Electrical machines and drives,
High voltage engineering and technology,
Power electronics and application,
Distribution of distributed energy resources,
Renewable energy technologies and issues,
Smart grid technologies and issues,
Industrial electronics, Control,
intelligent system, Robotics,
Artificial systems & Neural Network Optimization of power system problems,
Soft Computing and Computational Intelligent systems in power engineering,
Solar thermal technologies,
Energy storage devices and systems,
Smart System and Dynamic Robust System
Wireless Communications, Modulation, Coding And Diversity Techniques,
Equalization, Detection And Estimation, Multiple Access Techniques, Wireless Ad Hoc And Mesh Networks, Co-Operative Communication, Cognitive Radio & Dynamic Spectrum Management, Smart Antennas, Multiple Access Techniques, Optical communication and Networks, OFDM, Zigbee, Bluetooth and other WPAN Technologies and Applications, LTE, LTE-Advanced and 4G,5G, Wi-Fi And WiMAX, Body Area Network, Cloud/ EDGE Computing, Computer Networks, Cryptography, Data Communications, Grid Computing, Information and Network Security, Mobile Computing, Network Management, Services Oriented Architecture, Storage Area Networks, Network slicing orchestration, IOT,IIOT,IOV.

Paper Submission Deadline: 20th September, 2022 (Extended)
Paper submission Link: https://www.iccdn.org.in/iccdn-2022-paper-submission/
Conference Website: www.iccdn.org.in